Sunday 13 April 2014


1. Is your fiancé/fiancée usually happy, cheerful and optimistic? Marriage seldom changes these fundamental traits of personality. 2. Can he/she discuss controversial questions without being provoked into heated arguments? 3. Are his/her emotions stable? 4. Is he/she conservative in matters of morals, politics, and finance? 5. Does he/she cooperate easily with others and work smoothly with his/her superiors and subordinates? 6. Is he/she benevolent towards the downtrodden and does he/she take delight in helping the underprivileged? 7. Is he/she willing to receive advice graciously? 8. Does he/she give careful attention to the details of his/her daily work? 9. Is he/she willing to take responsibility; and has he/she succeeded thus far in his/her business ventures and enterprises? 10. Is he/she religious and his religion the same with yours? 11. Do you love him/her in spite of his/her faults? It is not safe to assume that his/her faults will disappear after your marriage. 12. Is he/she fond of children? 13. Do you take pride in your fiancé/fiancée? If you feel apologetic when seen in his/her company, there is evidence of a lack of suitability. If your answers to the above questions are yes, you may conclude that your fiancé (fiancée) possesses qualities favorable to a satisfactory marital adjustment.

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