Tuesday 8 April 2014


You’re a vision of loveliness
You’re my lodestar and
My lodestone combined
Your appearance in my life:
Made me feel as I was in a storm
The ground beneath my feet
Seemed to rock and sway
Gently but perceptibly
Made me feel as the sun
Warming and radiant has
Suddenly appeared in a
Midnight sky
I clutch on you the way
A drowning man clutches
A lifesaver causing me
To wonder what was
Happening to me
Claustrophobia overtook me
The love in your eyes spoke
To me of things no words
Could convey
Our hands seeking each other
And fingers interlaced as
If neither could bear to
Be wholly separated
The warmth of your body
Strengthen me like armor
You glitter as the early
Morning sun emerging
From the cloud
You’re a woman after my heart
I love you like life itself
Wherever you’re going
There I’ll go.

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