Saturday 10 August 2013

Synopsis of The Glamorous Actress

This is the story of underage girl forced into marriage.  Barbara Jones is forced out of school to marry an old man without her consent. The culture of Obodo has no place for girl child education. She is married to the traditional ruler of Obodo in payment of her father’s indebtedness.
The chief chases her out of the palace when she has been diagnosed to have Vesico-Vagina Fistula (VVF) after an obstructed labor, claiming she was unfaithful hence the gods infested her with strange diseases. Her baby is delivered dead after three days of labor. Her father equally drives her away from home for bringing shame to the family.
She leaves to village after stealing some money from the palace. She meets a Good Samaritan who takes her to the hospital where she had corrective surgery. She leaves the woman’s house after her father came to harass the woman.
She gains admission to read Theater Arts in the University of Lagos. With the knowledge gained she becomes a successful actress in Nollywood.
But she spends for the sheer pleasure of spending. Barbara’s personal expenses invariably equaled or exceeded her earnings –clubbing, shuttle-hopping, and shopping. She drinks heavily. She is a party princess. She is a prodigal daughter but unfortunately has no rich father to return to. Joy, tragedy, love and happiness are all interwoven in her life. She has string of broken engagements, and unfulfilled commitment.
Usually something on her is in the tabloids or one of the gossip or society channels every day. She has a predilection to walk the edge, desperation for fame, attention, a serious need to be and to stay young and beautiful. Many of her dreams remain unfulfilled. She leaves Nollywood for Hollywood.
There she becomes a star and rich but wasted it in frivolous living. She meets Jeffery Morrison who she loves though far younger. She gets involved in a serious sex scandal that makes her call the marriage. And her life takes a turn for the worst.
She realizes life is not all glamor, glitter and gold. It becomes abundantly clear to her that a woman can have wealth, beauty and brains, but without integrity she has nothing.

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