Sunday 19 January 2014

Is True Love Possible

True love doesn’t mean having a relationship of ease, it means making the continual choice to love and forgive. In fact, one of the most important truths we can grasp about true love is that it isn’t discovered; it’s created. True love is the result of choosing to love your spouse every day no matter the situation. It sprouts and grows through the process of making that choice daily, because they are many things that could make this difficulty. Many couples who have been happily married for several years have made it known that their love grew deeper with years than it were when they first married. The love they experienced in their early years is only a small fraction of the fullness of love they currently feel for each other due to working out their differences. Their true love was created not simply discovered.
However, if you are thinking of going into a relationship or if you find yourself falling in love, and ready to date, keep this in mind: relationship is way, way beyond just love and attraction. Don’t think it is like in fairy tales, once true love is found, people live happily ever after. Granted couples can look into each other's eyes and have those warm fuzzy feelings. However, truth is, all couples will have their ups and downs. Happily ever after seems to simply a perfect relationship without disagreements; when in reality those don’t exist.
If you are in a perfect relationship, you’ll get bored one day. Disagreements spice your marriage if properly handled because they allow you to talk your spouse the truth about how you really feel without pretense. And one of the couples will want to run away. So, is it possible to create and maintain a long lasting and blissful relationship, or can one even dream of creating the relationship of his or her dream? You bet!
The first step is to arm yourself with the genuine knowledge and instructions on how to create your soul-based relationship is if you can ever find a comprehensive course of instructions and learn more about the truth of relationship, and especially how you can draw in your soul mate.
Since practically anyone can learn the nuts and bolts of relationship building, focusing on some basic techniques that can be learned is a must. The main ones that guarantee true love in no particular order are:
Understand yourself: What is your personality? You may be surprised. Some people live for a long time and never come to understand or even realize why they are the way they are. And why is this important? It determines how you look at the world, how you will interpret the events occurring in your life, and who you are will help your partner determine how to react to you.
Rapport: Develop rapport with others well. In a nutshell, what it takes is to ask questions, have a positive, open attitude, encourage an open exchange of communication, listen to spouse and share positive feedback.
Conflict Resolution: Resolve negative issues and conflicts without too much friction. How do you handle conflict? If you can put your ego aside pretty much and try to keep friction to the barest minimum, your relationships should move along fairly smoothly. If you can agree to disagree on certain things with the other party involved that will help, too. In short, conflict resolution means to pretty much deal with others as you would want them to deal with you. Once true love is found, people live happily ever after. So it can be said that true love does exist.
True love equals our soul mate, someone that we love unconditionally the rest of our lives. Is it even possible to be involved with another person until the day that you die? Do you just grow to tolerate them and feel comfortable with them, as you feel with a parent or sibling? Look at the divorce rate in the world right now.
Is it because we go into marriage, expecting the infatuation and excitement to stay forever? Obviously, it’s going to fade. After a few years, we are no longer going to surprise one another; our hearts are no longer going to drop when the person walks into a room. We are going to just grow accustomed to them always being around, and we’ll appreciate them for that if they are doing right by us. So where does this misconception come from that we will be happily love all eternity without any effort?
Movies have to be blamed for this. Most of us watch romance movies to fill a void inside of us. We want that perfect person to chase after us, give us everything, and make us fall in love. More than anything, we want that happy ending.
We watch a movie with as an old couple; she has Alzheimer’s disease. Yet, she somehow is able to romance her husband, and they die together in bed some years after. We would call this, true love.  It’s nice to watch, and it’s nice as a movie.  And yes, it’s nice. But when it doesn’t happen this way in real life, we are disappointed and feel like our relationships are fake and lacking. This results in why a large number of people divorce. They are simple unsatisfied with the lack of movie love in their marriage.
It’s hopeless to constantly be searching for that type of love. Instead of trying to work on a relationship that seems to be going bad, we just decide to give up all together believing if it’s true love; you wouldn’t have to work so hard at it. And that is simply not the case.
The definition of true love isn’t love that is perfect. True love is recognizing the many imperfections and still wanting to be with the person, still fighting your hardest to make the relationship work because you couldn’t picture not having them in your life for even one day. True love is about having many differences and disagreements, but still respecting and caring deeply about the person in the end. It is something that we want to hold on to, no matter what. It is not about being the perfect relationship.
Perfect is not the definition of true love, it’s the complete opposite. So will we ever really know when we found our one and only true love? Probably not. We go through relationship after relationship always telling ourselves that this person is not the one for us. But the truth is, we don’t really know. And we probably won’t lay eyes on someone for the first time and just know that person is the one. Reality isn’t like the movie. If you find someone who makes you laugh, makes you cry, makes you crazy, stick with them. If you can’t imagine life without them in your life, don’t give up no matter how hard things get.
Love is supposed to challenge us, that is the role of little argument or disagreement. Who wants perfect when you can have passion? Couples who have healthy relationships find ways of working together, and through to the end of it. Instead of turning to movies or books to try and find out what true love really means, make up your own definition of what you want true love to mean to you.
You can achieve true love if you’re realistic about its meaning. The feeling that you cannot live without them, or you wouldn’t imagine a world without them is a sign that true love can be created with them. They also fill you with joy. You even argue with this person, but always seem to get through. You look out for this person, and never let them in harm’s way. Once you feel that about someone, then you’ve understood the true meaning of love.